Friday, September 27, 2013

The Importance of Magnesium The Importance of Magnesium I recently read a fascinating book, The Magnesium Miracle, by Dr. Carolyn Dean, which I highly recommend. If this post resonates with you, get a copy of the book. In this post I’ll share what I learned about magnesium deficiency from Dr. Dean’s book, as well as from other sources. Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body and is essential to good health. Approximately 50% of total body magnesium is found in bone. The other half is found predominantly inside cells of body tissues and organs. Only 1% of magnesium is found in blood, but the body works very hard to keep blood levels of magnesium constant. Magnesium is needed for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. It helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function, keeps heart rhythm steady, supports a healthy immune system, and keeps bones strong. Magnesium also helps regulate blood sugar levels, promotes normal blood pressure, and is known to be involved in energy metabolism and protein synthesis [2-3]. There is an increased interest in the role of magnesium in preventing and managing disorders such as hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. Dietary magnesium is absorbed in the small intestines. Magnesium is excreted through the kidneys. (Source) Minerals like magnesium are also required in order to utilize fat soluble activators like vitamin D: Magnesium status is critical for normal vitamin D metabolism, insulin sensitivity, and overall health. Supplemental magnesium blocks atherosclerosis in multiple animal models. — Whole Health Source blog What Causes Magnesium Deficiency? A hundred years ago, it was easy to get enough magnesium just by eating a variety of foods and drinking water. However, our modern soil is very depleted. This is due to modern farming methods which employ chemical fertilizer, and due to monocropping. “The soil in every country in the world except Egypt has been farmed to a point of magnesium depletion.” – Dr. Norman Shealy, M.D. Ph.D (Source)

How to Prevent Kidney Stones Naturally
This is a guest post by Laura Schoenfeld, graduate student in public health nutrition, content manager at, and soon-to-be Registered Dietitian. You can learn more about Laura by checking out her blog or visiting her on Facebook. Anyone who’s had a kidney stone will tell you that they’re one of the worst medical problems you can ever experience. Kidney stones are a common and painful chronic condition seen in otherwise “healthy” patients, and one of the most common disorders of the urinary tract. About a million people in the United States are treated for kidney stones each year, and the prevalence in adult men is almost 12% and around 6% in adult women. (1) Stones are most common in caucasian adults between the ages of 20 and 50, and once someone develops a stone, they are far more likely to develop another stone in the future. Like most chronic diseases, the incidence of kidney stones has been increasing over the past 30 years. (2) This is likely due to the variety of dietary and lifestyle changes we’ve made as Americans which aren’t conducive to good health. What are Kidney Stones? Stones can be formed from a variety of substances, but the most common stones are made of calcium and oxalate that has crystalized in the urinary tract. Other types of stones include struvite, uric acid and cystine. While stones themselves are painful enough, they can lead to more serious conditions such as obstruction of the urinary tract, permanent damage to the kidneys, and even life-threatening infections. I’ve seen patients in the hospital who have come in with necrotic kidneys due to obstruction from a stone, so this can become a serious condition if not managed properly. Conventional medical professionals take a multi-pronged approach to treating kidney stones, including surgical removal, using shock waves to break up the stone into smaller, passable pieces, and various medications to prevent future stones from forming. There are a few conventional dietary guidelines for preventing future stone formation, but most of these guidelines are based on the composition of the stone, not the true pathology behind why the stone actually formed. After all, why do some people eat junk food, or foods with high calcium and/or oxalate content, drink barely any fluids, and never experience kidney stones, while I’ve had patients who eat healthy diets, drink plenty of fluids, and still develop stones? Still getting kidney stones on Paleo? Read this for tips on how to avoid this painful condition. While it’s difficult to know why one person is more prone to kidney stones than another, there are a few important strategies to help reduce your stone risk, whether you’ve had one before or you have a family history of stones. And not surprisingly, these aren’t necessarily the guidelines you’re going to hear from your typical nephrologist. (3) The following are my best tips for preventing kidney stones using simple diet changes. Balance Your Fat Soluble Vitamins This would be my top priority for any patient suffering from kidney stones, specifically calcium-oxalate stones. As many of Chris’s readers know, we require more than just vitamin D to properly metabolize calcium in our diets and in our blood, yet unfortunately, most nephrologists and dietitians never consider the role other fat soluble vitamins play in calcium metabolism. But vitamin A and vitamin K2 are two nutrients that are critical for balancing out the effects of vitamin D and making sure the calcium from our diet gets deposited into our bones and not into our arteries. (For more information about vitamin A, D, and K2, you can check out my review of a great book on the topic.) In someone with kidney stones, vitamin A deficiency, vitamin K2 deficiency, and vitamin D excess are all prime suspects to be considered in terms of both absolute amounts and proportions between the vitamins. Chris Masterjohn, PhD has written volumes about the importance of balancing these three nutrients, and especially balancing vitamin A with vitamin D, as an excess of one will lead to a deficiency of the other. In fact, vitamin D excess is considered to be a risk factor for kidney stones in the conventional medical world, and studies show that people exposed to high levels of sunlight (such as lifeguards) are at higher risk for stones. (4, 5, 6, 7, 8) Interestingly enough, adequate vitamin A intake protects against excess vitamin D, as Masterjohn has made clear in his series on the topic. Vitamin K2 may play an independent role in kidney stone development. As Masterjohn points out, “patients with kidney stones secrete [vitamin-K2 dependent] protein in its inactive form, which is between four and twenty times less effective than its active form at inhibiting the growth of calcium oxalate crystals, suggesting that vitamin K2 deficiency is a major cause of kidney stones.” While the research is still new, I think there’s no reason not to ensure adequate intake of these nutrients in your diet for health maintenance, and you might find it helps with preventing kidney stone formation. So how can you get more vitamin A and vitamin K2 in your diet? For vitamin A you can eat plenty of organ meats like liver, egg yolks, and full fat dairy products. For vitamin K2, eat liver, grass fed dairy products like ghee, butter, and full-fat cheeses, or natto (if you’re adventurous). If you need to supplement, keep vitamin A around 5,000-10,000 IU per day and try to get these nutrients from a food-based source, such as the fermented cod liver oil and butter oil blend from Green Pasture. Also, try to cut down on alcohol consumption, as excess metabolism of alcohol can impair your utilization of vitamin A, leading to deficiency. (9) Add Lemon To Your Water This is a natural treatment that conventional nephrologists have gotten right. While lemon water is often touted as a cleansing or alkalizing drink, the main reason it is helpful in reducing stone formation is its citric acid content. Citric acid (not to be confused with vitamin C or ascorbic acid) inhibits stone formation and breaks up small stones that are beginning to form.(10) It works in a few different ways. Citrate binds with calcium in the urine, reducing the amount of calcium available to form calcium oxalate stones. It also prevents tiny calcium oxalate crystals that are already in the kidneys from growing and massing together into larger stones. It also makes the urine less acidic, which inhibits the development of both calcium oxalate and uric acid stones. (11) You’ll need about a half a cup (4 oz) of lemon juice added to water throughout the day to get the same benefits as taking a potassium citrate pill, which is one of the standard pharmaceutical treatments for kidney stones. You can either take this all in one shot, or spread your intake of the lemon juice throughout the day. Try adding half a cup (or more!) of lemon or lime juice to a 32 ounce bottle of water and sip on it throughout the day. If you prefer, you can also try adding apple cider vinegar, which also contains citric acid and is an alkalizing addition to your beverages. (12) Get your Magnesium Sometimes it seems like magnesium might be the cure for everything: muscle cramps, headaches, fatigue, insomnia, anxiety, constipation, back pain, brain fog… it might even solve world hunger. I’m kidding of course, but magnesium is definitely one of those magic cure-all dietary supplements that seems to help with a great variety of maladies without much risk for toxicity. That’s why I, like Chris, believe everyone should take a maintenance dose of a magnesium supplement, since it’s hard to get adequate magnesium even in the healthiest ancestral diet. However, it may surprise you to learn that there’s some research suggesting that magnesium can lower the risk of stone formation. (13, 14, 15) While scientists are still trying to figure out why magnesium has this stone preventing effect, and to determine which forms of magnesium are the most effective at preventing stones in humans, I think it’s safe to say that if you suffer from kidney stones, you’d be smart to ensure that your magnesium intake is adequate. There are a few ways to up your magnesium intake. The easiest is to simply take at least 400 mg of magnesium in supplemental form on a daily basis. The best types to take are the chelated forms such as magnesium citrate and magnesium malate, as they’re well absorbed. You can also increase your dietary intake by eating pumpkin seeds, spinach, swiss chard, and nuts like almonds and cashews. Be sure to soak your nuts and seeds before eating them, which will help make the magnesium more available. Some people have reported benefits from taking epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) baths, as magnesium is able to be absorbed through the skin. Whatever your method, just make sure you’re getting it daily in adequate amounts, since at least 50% of Americans have magnesium deficient diets, consuming less than 400 mg per day. (16) And coffee, a common “paleo” treat, may actually cause magnesium deficiency so be careful not to overdo it in the mornings. (17) Moderate Your Salt In Chris’s great series on salt, he explains how excess salt consumption can promote stone formation in those who are susceptible: “Those who are prone to kidney stones may need to reduce their salt intake, as high sodium excretion also leads to a higher level of calcium excretion in the urine. Evidence on this topic is mixed, but it has been demonstrated that excess sodium intake is associated with increased urinary excretion of sodium and calcium, and subjects who consumed the highest levels of sodium tended to have the greatest urinary calcium excretion. Higher calcium excretion may lead to kidney stone formation, particularly if fluid intake is inadequate.” So even if you’re eating a diet low in processed foods, you may still be taking in a lot of salt through food items like cured meats (e.g. bacon), canned or preserved foods, fermented condiments like pickles, sauerkraut, and kimchi, or simply by adding a lot of salt to your food. While some salt is good, eating tons of bacon and few plant foods is likely going to push you over your sodium needs without matching that sodium intake with potassium, a crucial electrolyte that can actually eliminate the negative effects of excess sodium. So make sure if you’re eating lots of high salt foods that you’re getting in plenty of good sources of potassium, such as bananas, leafy greens, squash, white potatoes, and avocado. Eat More Carbohydrates Another problem that people on a run-of-the-mill Paleo diet might encounter is an inadequate intake of carbohydrate. While carbohydrate is not an essential macronutrient in the most basic biochemical description, a very low carb diet can lead to profound health problems in certain individuals, such as depressed thyroid function, nutrient deficiencies like scurvy, and even insulin resistance. Many people eating a Paleo diet tend to eat lower carb simply because of the nature of the ‘banned’ foods being higher in carbohydrate, such as grains and dairy. While eating Paleo does not equal low carb, it’s a common situation, especially if someone is new to the diet and doesn’t understand that foods like white potatoes are okay for most people to eat. (In fact, it might be good to alternate sweet potatoes with white potatoes regularly, since sweet potatoes are very high in oxalate which could contribute to stone formation!) Paul Jaminet, PhD has written a great deal of information about the dangers of carbohydrate restriction, and kidney stones is one of them. While I won’t go into the great detail about why very low carb (VLC) diets can increase the risk for stones (you can read Jaminet’s article for that), the issue is likely due to the fact that VLC diets (

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Awareness quiz

Forgiveness Meditation meditation video

Thursday, September 19, 2013

HOPE girl Australia
We created a space and went around the room allowing each person to speak about their passions, visions and ideas. What happened next was magic. People starting meeting other people that shared the same passion and ideas, phone numbers were exchanged, meetings between them occurred later on and major collaboration began to take place with people that lived in the same communities whom had never met each other before. And the best part of all of this was the caliber of the ideas that were flying around the room. Many of the people there had extensive background and knowledge in some pretty big arena’s. Future leaders in sustainable healthy non- industrial food supply met and teamed up. Builders of a new sustainable society came with blueprints of villages and eco-friendly design. Future leaders in alternative education methods found each other at last. Musicians that all studied the healing frequencies of music all ended up in the same meeting… I see a future healing concert in our future! The ideas spread so quickly with little effort at all. Every person at this meeting was ready to take their vision to the next level.
When you stood in those rooms and observed what was taking place in front of you, you could see plain as day that the global evolution was beginning right here, right now in that room. When our full planetary transition takes place and we read about it in our new history books, these meetings will be at the beginning of our paradigm shifting story. Every person there was awake. Every person there was aware of the corrupt crumbling system and had a solution ready to go. Every person there was a planet changer who stood up when the call came.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Teal Scott's personal Blog blog

Monday, September 16, 2013

Nascent Iodine

Best iodine: Nascent Iodine -
This truly is the best form of iodine to take but Lugols will do the job just fine also. Nascent is what you want for the very young and the very old because it is the easiest for the body to assimilate and put to use right away. If you can afford the nascent iodine then use it. I have a circle of friends and family (about 40 and growing) who all take iodine daily and have reported many amazing results after several months of use. Such as, fibromialga, high blood pressure, high colesterol, diabetes, candida and fungal problems, fibrocystic breast, hair loss, joint pain, blood circulation problems, cold feet and chills, "brain fog", low energy and depression all much improved or completely reversed and the list goes on. I have read that it can raise a childs IQ by as much as 25 points!
A simple test to see how low you are on iodine is to put a drop on the inside of your wrist and smear it into a 2 inch circle. Pay attention to what time it is and see how long it takes to disappear. If its still there after 24 hours then your good. If it is gone in 6 hours then your very low etc.. Blood test are not accurate for iodine levels but a urin test is.
Go on you tube and search for baking soda, magnesium, and iodine because there are many videos on these subjects.
Be advised I have no medical training and I dont to pretend to give medical advice. This is information I have found after many months of study, research and personal experience. Please do your own homework on this subject. Search for "iodine dosages" on line and read a few of the many good books on the subject. Go on you tube and search for baking soda, magnesium, and iodine because there are many videos on these subjects. A simple test to see how low you are on iodine is to put a drop on the inside of your wrist and smear it into a 2 inch circle. Pay attention to what time it is and see how long it takes to disappear. If its still there after 24 hours then your good. If it is gone in 6 hours then your very low etc.. Blood test are not accurate for iodine levels but a urin test is. This truly is the best form of iodine to take but Lugols will do the job just fine also. Nascent is what you want for the very young and the very old because it is the easiest for the body to assimilate and put to use right away. If you can afford the nascent iodine then use it. I have a circle of friends and family (about 40 and growing) who all take iodine daily and have reported many amazing results after several months of use. Such as, fibromialga, high blood pressure, high colesterol, diabetes, candida and fungal problems, fibrocystic breast, hair loss, joint pain, blood circulation problems, cold feet and chills, "brain fog", low energy and depression all much improved or completely reversed and the list goes on. I have read that it can raise a childs IQ by as much as 25 points! After your thyroid has reached its needs for iodine it will begin to share the extra iodine with other systems in the body. Over time repairs will start to be made around the body and you will start to notice suttle improvements but things will get even better as time goes on. On a side note after taking iodine for 2 or 3 months you will notice that your stools will not smell nearly as bad as they did before you started iodine supplementation. :-) This makes for a happier spouse. From personal experience and reports from my "circle" iodine will cure food poisoning and stomach flu (nausia and diarrhea) in 2 hours or less! All I did was take 6 drops of Lugols 5% strenth iodine in 4 ounces of water and I was done being sick and had an appetite again. NASCENT iodine is 2% strenth and from what I have read you need 12.5 ml a day as a maintenance dose. Dosages are based on a 5% strength Lugols which would equal about 25 drops a day of the Lugols. Double that amount for the nascent iodine. I personally take 8 drops 4 times a day. PAY ATTENTION - SMALL DOSES OFTEN WORKS BEST! Take on an empty stomach or between meals. As a beginner I would take 2 drops 3 times a day with your last dose about 6 hours before bed time because if you take it too late in your day you may not sleep very well because of the extra energy you get from it. Scip a day once a week and after a month or so you can increase the amount you take. Everyone is different so for instance if 20 drops works for me maybe 15 drops will do the same for you. During the first 2 weeks you will start to notice some strange things in the toilet bowl sometimes. This is your body starting to detoxify from toxic metals, bacteria and funguses that didn't belong in you. Over time as the junk leaves your body and your thyroid has what it needs to operate as designed good things will start to happen. Before the 1920's iodine was the drug or medicine of choice because it works well. Then when the first anti biotics were being invented they started bad mouthing iodine because there is no money in it like there is in prescribing anti biotics etc... Medical schools do not teach anything on iodine because the big drug company's put alot of money into the med schools to train the new doctors to push their drugs. Remember there is no money in healing you but there is plenty of money in "desease management". What I find funny is with all the fancy expensive anti biotics etc... they have to use why is it that when you are prepared for an operation they paint you with iodine to prevent infections? I hope this helps and I wish you the best. Consult your doctor before you do any of this and or find one that is knowledgeable in iodine.

Teal Scott - Sep 14, 2013

What you want? To create it you need to be in this vibration. 1. Why you want it? List reasons why you want it. Focus for at least 1 minute Get a journal . top – what I want, and a page on why I want it. 2. Visualizing what you want like you have it. Write in detail what your life will be if you have it. Write as much details as possible. Be realistic, to make your brain believe this is truth. Teach your kids to do this. Don’t be serious. It creates resistance. What does blame look to you, when you step out of it? What positive purpose it is serving to you? If you think you deserve it (something bad to happen to you it lets your brain to survive it. It makes us be the good one, and someone else be the bed one. We want to be rescued, and don’t want to stop being a victim. 1. EMDR – therapy for trauma. Rapid eye movement. Focus on your emotion. Less pain. And you will not be stuck in this memory, emotion, and be able to integrate it in your learning. It will not be causing us pain anymore, but will give us meaning. 2. Resquie your child-part from this memories. Go back and help the child-you. Create a place where you can have water, safe house, a helper or a guide so you can ask questions, switching place (a building, empty, where your painful memories are going to be stored, until you want to look at them.). Give your child a glass of water. Ask them what they need, and give it to them – love, hug, sleep, talk. Tell them you will be back again. Go back many time, until they need you. Resquie all your children – many. You can gain so much knowledge about yourself from this. Because trauma creates disassociation from life. We are living this life, but we are not part of it. We need to integrate the scary part of our life into our life as a learning experience. Sex: let yourself not to have sex. Recreational sex. Change a believe (sex is sinful): 1. How it makes me feel. What I do when I follow this believe. What is makes your life look life. 2. Consider the exact oposit – who would I be if I don’t have this believe? What will my life be? 3. Turn this on yourself – I make this believe true because of me (I make sex sinful). Prove to the joury that sex is not sinful, but you are making it sinful. Multiple reasonse why this is true. Mental game. 4. (Sex is pure) – oposit of above. How can you prove that? What reasonce you can find? TO get you out of the thinking, see the other points of view. I need to state open, so the “way out” will manifest and I can see it. Why is it hard to be nice to yourself? Recognise - They make it out of love. They want you to be good, protect you, etc. Tell yourself – “Thank you so much for making me be good! You care about me so much.” Dreams = me on another dimensions. Encountering your toughts in other dimensions. Feelings are the quid to desifer the dreams. Pay attention to who you feel in your dreams. Improve your toughts! About yourself. White down what you think about yourself. Do a lot of shadow work. If I am afraid – what will happen if I actualy do it? If I fail? If I sucseed? Because I can’t hold the pressuer. Why? Because I am week. What does it mean to be week? If I am week I am an emberesment. What will be bad about being an emberesment? People will ignore me. What is so bad about the? I will be alone. What is so bad about it? I will be better dead. – this is core believe. Work on it. Community United people Try to create your reality. 5 minutes every day. Keep a Synchronization journal. Write down what will show up, for your brain to see it is I created it. What messege do I want to share with the world? What can I do all day long, and not noticing the time go by? Create your personal religion from different parts of other teachings. Online forum: platform for a new society.

Benefits of Activated Charcoal: Medicine of the Egyptians

Benefits of Activated Charcoal: Medicine of the Egyptians
Eating charcoal sounds about as appetizing as scarfing down some black, charred remains of a Saturday BBQ, but activated charcoal is a whole other animal. Activated Charcoal is used as a detox agent to absorb a host of heavy metals, chemicals, and pharmaceutical drug remains that flow through your blood stream and cause a hindrance to your best health. Activated charcoal absorbs the toxins from your body and then, since it is not absorbed by the body, the toxins along with the charcoal are expelled, leaving you cleaner and more toxin-free. The Numerous Benefits of Activated Charcoal Charcoal is “activated” because it is made to have a very small particle size. This increases its overall surface area and absorptive capacity. Activated charcoal is produced by adding acid and steam to carbonaceous materials such as wood, coal, rye starch, or coconut shells. To understand just how effective this substance is at absorbing toxins, one standard 50-gram dose of activated charcoal has the surface area of 10 football fields. It also encourages bowel movements, so it can help to rid the body of toxins rather quickly. Hippocrates, the Greek physician considered the father of natural medicine, used activated carbon to cure many patients. Activated charcoal (also referred to simply as carbon) has been called black magic because of it’s color and healing abilities. Carbon: Has a negative ionic charge that attracts the positive ionic charges of toxins and poisons causing them to bind to the charcoal. They are then surreptitiously escorted out of the body via the eliminative channel of the intestines. * Removes heavy metals like lead and aluminum. * Deodorizes foul smells. * Removes symptoms of traveler’s diarrhea. * Reduces ulcers in the stomach. * Can be used as a toothpaste to whiten teeth and eliminate foul breath since it kills bacteria. * Reduces gas from eating beans and other gaseous foods. * Eliminate many micro-organisms and chlorine from drinking or bath water. * Removes pharmaceutical toxins from the body. This includes aspirin overdose, accidental household toxin ingestion, and heavy metals. It has been used for hundreds of years in cases of food poisoning. Ancient Egyptians used activated carbon as did the Native Americans. * Removes parasites and bacteria from the body. This includes bugs that cause everything from a stuffy nose to more invasive parasites. * Removes fungal toxins. Those with Crohn’s disease or irritable bowel syndrome need to prepare their activated charcoal a little differently, or use it externally, as a poultice, instead of mixing it with water and drinking it or taking it in pill form.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013