Monday, September 16, 2013
Nascent Iodine
Best iodine: Nascent Iodine -
This truly is the best form of iodine to take but Lugols will do the job just fine also. Nascent is what you want for the very young and the very old because it is the easiest for the body to assimilate and put to use right away. If you can afford the nascent iodine then use it. I have a circle of friends and family (about 40 and growing) who all take iodine daily and have reported many amazing results after several months of use. Such as, fibromialga, high blood pressure, high colesterol, diabetes, candida and fungal problems, fibrocystic breast, hair loss, joint pain, blood circulation problems, cold feet and chills, "brain fog", low energy and depression all much improved or completely reversed and the list goes on. I have read that it can raise a childs IQ by as much as 25 points!
A simple test to see how low you are on iodine is to put a drop on the inside of your wrist and smear it into a 2 inch circle. Pay attention to what time it is and see how long it takes to disappear. If its still there after 24 hours then your good. If it is gone in 6 hours then your very low etc.. Blood test are not accurate for iodine levels but a urin test is.
Go on you tube and search for baking soda, magnesium, and iodine because there are many videos on these subjects.
Be advised I have no medical training and I dont to pretend to give medical advice. This is information I have found after many months of study, research and personal experience. Please do your own homework on this subject. Search for "iodine dosages" on line and read a few of the many good books on the subject. Go on you tube and search for baking soda, magnesium, and iodine because there are many videos on these subjects.
A simple test to see how low you are on iodine is to put a drop on the inside of your wrist and smear it into a 2 inch circle. Pay attention to what time it is and see how long it takes to disappear. If its still there after 24 hours then your good. If it is gone in 6 hours then your very low etc.. Blood test are not accurate for iodine levels but a urin test is.
This truly is the best form of iodine to take but Lugols will do the job just fine also. Nascent is what you want for the very young and the very old because it is the easiest for the body to assimilate and put to use right away. If you can afford the nascent iodine then use it. I have a circle of friends and family (about 40 and growing) who all take iodine daily and have reported many amazing results after several months of use. Such as, fibromialga, high blood pressure, high colesterol, diabetes, candida and fungal problems, fibrocystic breast, hair loss, joint pain, blood circulation problems, cold feet and chills, "brain fog", low energy and depression all much improved or completely reversed and the list goes on. I have read that it can raise a childs IQ by as much as 25 points!
After your thyroid has reached its needs for iodine it will begin to share the extra iodine with other systems in the body. Over time repairs will start to be made around the body and you will start to notice suttle improvements but things will get even better as time goes on. On a side note after taking iodine for 2 or 3 months you will notice that your stools will not smell nearly as bad as they did before you started iodine supplementation. :-) This makes for a happier spouse.
From personal experience and reports from my "circle" iodine will cure food poisoning and stomach flu (nausia and diarrhea) in 2 hours or less! All I did was take 6 drops of Lugols 5% strenth iodine in 4 ounces of water and I was done being sick and had an appetite again.
NASCENT iodine is 2% strenth and from what I have read you need 12.5 ml a day as a maintenance dose. Dosages are based on a 5% strength Lugols which would equal about 25 drops a day of the Lugols. Double that amount for the nascent iodine. I personally take 8 drops 4 times a day. PAY ATTENTION - SMALL DOSES OFTEN WORKS BEST! Take on an empty stomach or between meals. As a beginner I would take 2 drops 3 times a day with your last dose about 6 hours before bed time because if you take it too late in your day you may not sleep very well because of the extra energy you get from it. Scip a day once a week and after a month or so you can increase the amount you take. Everyone is different so for instance if 20 drops works for me maybe 15 drops will do the same for you. During the first 2 weeks you will start to notice some strange things in the toilet bowl sometimes. This is your body starting to detoxify from toxic metals, bacteria and funguses that didn't belong in you. Over time as the junk leaves your body and your thyroid has what it needs to operate as designed good things will start to happen.
Before the 1920's iodine was the drug or medicine of choice because it works well. Then when the first anti biotics were being invented they started bad mouthing iodine because there is no money in it like there is in prescribing anti biotics etc... Medical schools do not teach anything on iodine because the big drug company's put alot of money into the med schools to train the new doctors to push their drugs. Remember there is no money in healing you but there is plenty of money in "desease management". What I find funny is with all the fancy expensive anti biotics etc... they have to use why is it that when you are prepared for an operation they paint you with iodine to prevent infections?
I hope this helps and I wish you the best. Consult your doctor before you do any of this and or find one that is knowledgeable in iodine.
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